Sunday, October 30, 2005

India: Great laws, poor enforcement

Our laws are some of the most progressive in the world, but enforcement is zilch. We have strict laws against production, storage, use, sale and distribution of polythene bags. Himachal Pradesh, a state that earns much of its revenues because of its scenic beauty, was the first to implement it. In theory.In theory you can be fined upto a lakh of Rupees (US$ 2000) or be sent to jail for upto 7 years. In practice, no one has ever paid that fine leave alone spend time in the cooler. Most Indian citizens are completely unaware of the law and you see plastic bags flying around everywhere. The Indian cow, considered sacred and an object of worship, is one of the worst victims. 95 per cent of urban India’s stray cattle are suffering from various ailments due to hazardous materials inside their abdomen. 90 per cent are plastic bags. We ship reusable cotton bags every day of the week to the whole world from our website but we have no buyers in India.

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