Monday, April 12, 2004

Looks like the world’s going to be in good hands!

A few months back our Australian associate Tom Rayner ( forwarded me a mail he got from a 13 year old young lady who was going to be the Australian delegate to the International Children’s Conference on the Environment in Connecticut She’s recognised how dangerous plastic bags are. To spread the message at the conference she wanted 100 cotton bags. We were more than happy to sponsor the bags, if she found someone else to pick up the tab for the shipping (costs a fair bit as we’re in India). I suggested she write to Fedex or UPS or an airline, and she went to work and got the Australian Postal Service to sponsor the shipping Meanwhile, she got Tom at Rayner Associates to sponsor a website for her and her weblog Great going, particularly when you consider that this is a 13 year old girl. She’s shown more enterprise and get up and go than most adults I know. We consider it a privilege to have been able to be involved with her effort and I am proud to know her. Lauren, with kids like you running the world tomorrow, I’m sure it will be a nicer place than it is today! If you have a cause and we can help in any way, visit us at and tell me how.

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